Sunday, December 27, 2009

"Free To Be, Who You're Destined To Be"

These girls are some kind of special. Kourt and Kels make me tear up when I think of how proud I am of them. They are not typical teenagers. OK, well maybe typical in some ways. Yes, they have got a couple dents in their fenders and maybe a little clumsy at times. But they are unique because instead of following the crowd and going to college to party they have dedicated their time to intense discipleship training and outreach. They have hearts for God and hearts that beat for Missions. So, we would like them to just become nurse's and stay in Tallahassee.....We have to let them go and let them be free. God has called them to be vessels for him most likely on foreign soil. He has waged a war for their destiny and won. In these last days they will help spread the word of the living God. Living in the will God has for them will give them true Freedom!

We love both of you girls and are soooo proud!!!!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Little Noles

Chase wanted to be Ponder for Halloween. (He actually already thinks he is Ponder so he was just going to wear his jersey for Halloween.) He is the "New Ponder" and the Quarterback for FSU is the "Old Ponder." (Watch out Christian, the new Ponder may take your job!) I thought it only made sense for Mabry-Lynn to be his cheerleader. She is his biggest fan and does adore him. No one can make her laugh like he does. So these two "Little Ones" are "Little Noles" at heart. I captured some moments of them in there uniforms. Some of these pics really capture the emotion they share for their team and for each other!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Brown Eyed Girl

Carly Catherine Quinn is my niece and Goddaughter. I love her so much. When she was in Tallahassee last, I snapped some pics in the yard. She is a great model. From the day she was born she got used to cameras flashing her way. This beautiful brown eyed girl is a prissy girl. She would not lay on the grass to pose in fear of bugs or any creepy crawly things. I would ask her to pose a certain way and she was telling me how and where she was going to pose. That must be the Italian coming out. The same Italian that gave her those gorgeous brown eyes.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Mabry-Lynn's Dedication

We dedicated Miss Mabry-Lynn to the Lord today. It was a very sweet service. We thanked God for Blessing us with a beautiful baby girl and asked for his help in raising her and directing her path. We know we cannot do it alone and we need help from our Lord to bring her up in this crazy world today.

Jason was moved to tears during this sweet ceremony. His baby girl pulls at his heart strings, already. Chase was moved to tears of embarrassment and did not want to join us on stage in front of all the people. That's okay he was a good big brother and watched from his Popi's lap.

Lord, I pray that you give us wisdom in the choices we make raising our daughter. Help us Lord to instill your word and your truth in her. Let us be an example of Godly living set before her. Keep her in your hands and give her the desire to obey your laws, rules and teachings and to live according to your will for her life. Amen.


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